Online Bingo For Classroom

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  2. Classroom Bingo Printable Free
  3. Online Bingo For Google Classroom

Online Team Building Bingo is a fun and easy game you can play with remote employees.

Other names for Online Team Building Bingo include Virtual Team Building Bingo and Remote Team Bingo.

Sign in - Google Accounts. Classroom management can be a doozy! I wanted something fun and engaging to help my students stay focused throughout the year that hit multiple classroom expectations. I love changing up what I use in my classroom to help my students manage behaviors. These classroom Management bingo boards are perfect! I usually introduce the bingo board. With Schoolhouse Bingo you can easily create educational bingo games and cards to support and reinforce lessons in any area of the curriculum. And your students will welcome the change of pace.

The game is quick to setup, great for virtual team engagement, a little nostalgic, and a familiar format.

Here is a free game board you can use:

You can send your colleagues the URL for this page or “right click + save as” to download the above image to your computer. You may use this game board for your internal virtual team building or conference calls.

Here is a blank template that you can fill in with your own clues:

If this Online Team Building Bingo board is useful for you then we would LOVE if you post it on your company blog and link to or from your post. #share-the-love

Online bingo for the classroom

How to play Online Team Building Bingo

Here are the rules for Virtual Team Building Bingo:

  • Distribute the Online Team Building Bingo board to your remote employees.
  • Decide on a timeline, which could range from a single video conference call through a month or longer.
  • A player gets a point when they learn information from a coworker that applies to the Bingo board.
  • Have players track performance, marking an “x” or similar for each box they complete. The center square is a free point for all players.
  • Award prizes for the first player to complete challenges like an entire row or an entire board.

Online Team Building Bingo Tips

Online Bingo For ClassroomClassroom bingo printable free

Knowing the rules is just part of the game. You can also consider these fun tips and ideas to boost the experience.

  • Create your own Bingo board. Using ours is fun, and customizing a game board for your team is even better. You can add inside jokes, references to specific team members and similar.
  • Award prizes! Even a $5 gift card ups the stakes from bragging rights.
  • Provide enough time to play. For example, you may want to game to span an entire week so your people have more opportunities to connect.

More Online Bingo Templates

Check out these posts for more online Bingo templates:

Just scroll down or do a “ctrl + f” search for “bingo” on those pages.


Your team will likely enjoy Remote Work Bingo too.

Next, you can check out our list of free online team building games for remote teams. That post includes more ideas for online team building and free virtual games for remote teams.

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Author: Michael Alexis

CEO of I write about my experience working with and leading remote teams since 2010.

100% Online Team Building Activities

We run world class online team building events that remote teams love. Rated 5 Stars.

Bingo! Who doesn’t like the thrill of finding the last item on yourlist, jumping out of your chair, and shouting you won? Bingo is an incredibly fun game toplay in group, is very easy to play, and can help rehearse anything from language vocabulary to math andhistorical facts. Everyone can play the game together, regardless of level.And best of all, you can create your own, customized Bingo cards for iPad in only a fewminutes using the Bingo widget.

The basics of Bingo are as follows: each student gets a large card with squares containing words, phrases orpictures:

Everybody gets the same words, but in a different order. Each time the teacher calls out a word,the student searches for the right square on his card, and marks it. The first student to have five wordshighlighted in a row yells ‘Bingo’, and wins.

You can make lots of small variations on the game to make the game more accessible to youraudience:

  • Replace the words on the card with pictures
  • Don’t call out the words or pictures in the squares, but give hints that lead to what’s in the square
  • Make students play in teams of 2 so they can help each other finding the words more quickly
  • When someone has 5 squares in a row, make them do something with the 5 squares (e.g. use the wordsin a sentence, conjugate the verbs, …) If they don’t succeed, they have to reshuffle theircard and wait for the next 5 words, or until someone else wins.

After checking the answers of the winner (you can use your own Bingo card to remember the words),give the winner their price: a small treat, a “No Homework” pass, …Or, if you don’t have prizes to give out, you can reward the winner by letting them come in front ofthe class, and letting them take the role of the caller for the next round.

What you put on the card is of course only limited by your imagination. Below are a few examplesthat can help you get on your way.

Language Bingo

The most straightforward subject to train with Bingo are languages. It’s therefore not hard to come up with a lotof different Bingo language games:

  • Definition Bingo: Read out the definition of a word, and let the students find the word on the card.
  • Translation Bingo: Write Spanish words on the card, but call out the English translation.
  • Picture Vocabulary Bingo: Use cards with pictures of the (translated) words you’re calling out.
  • Critical Listening Bingo: Embed the words in the squares in a sentence, and read outthe sentence.
  • Greek/Hebrew Bingo: Put all the letters of the Greek or Hebrew alphabet on the card.
  • Minimal Pairs Bingo: Use pairs of words that vary only in a single sound (bat + but, desk + disk,fan + van, sing + thing, …)
  • Synonym/Antonym Bingo: Call out synonyms or antonyms of the words on the card.
  • Rhime Bingo: Call out rhyme words of the words on the Bingo card.
  • Dolch (Sight) Word Bingo: Use sight words (such as the ones from theDolch word list) to help the younger oneslearn to read.
  • Conjugation Bingo: Write all subject pronouns (I, you,he/she, …) on a whiteboard, create a Bingo card with verb infinitives, and call out theinfinitives one by one. When a student has 5 words in a row, pick a pronoun, and make thestudent conjugate all their verbs for that pronoun. If they succeed, they win the game; otherwise,they have to clear their card, and the game continues.
  • Word Classes Bingo: Read out sentences, and tell the students to mark the square with theverb/noun/pronoun/… of that sentence.
  • Free Writing Bingo: Turn a vocabulary Bingo game into a free writing exercise: continue the gameuntil everyone has at least one Bingo row; then, let everyone write up a story with their Bingo row of5 words at home.

Math Bingo

Learning math can be fun with Bingo too! Here’s a variety of things you can do:

  • Arithmetic Bingo: Read out sums, subtractions, divisions, and multiplications, and let the studentsfind the answer within the numbers on their card. You can pair up students to help them find thenumbers more quickly on their card.
  • Fraction Bingo: Let the students find the fractions you read out within their squares. The card couldcontain the fractions explicitly written out (e.g. 23), or have a visual representation of thefraction such as pictures of pies with a number of pieces highlighted.
  • Decimal Bingo: Put decimals on the card, and either call out the numbers literally, or as fractions.
  • Roman Numeral Bingo: Fill the squares with roman numerals (XIV, MCM, L, III, …).
  • Clock Reading Bingo: Fill the squares with pictures of clocks with hands in different positions, and read outthe time.

Physical Exercise Bingo

You may not take your iPad to gym class, but maybe you can have students perform some small and shortexercises as an intermezzo during a regular class. Put a set of short physical activities on your card(lunges, Jumping Jacks, sit-ups, crunches, push-ups, squats, jumps, arm spins, …), and readthem out one by one; after the entire class did the activity, students tag the activity on their card.Continue the game until someone has 5 activities in a row.

Breaking-The-Ice Bingo

Another fun application of Bingo is to get to know each other at the start of the year.

Online Bingo For Classroom
  • Head Shot Bingo: Put photos and/or names of all students in the class on the card,and optionally complete the list with staff members, teachers, the principal, …(they’ll love to see themselves on the cards)Call out people by name, or give clues about the person you’re describing.
  • Personal Property Bingo: Write general phrases about students on the card, such as “has a birthday in March”,“has a sister at this school”, “has as many siblings as you”, “plays a sport”, “plays a musical instrument”,“likes pizza”, “is a vegetarian”, … Ask everyone to go around the classroom and interview other studentsone by one, and sign off properties from the squares if they apply to the other person.

Miscellaneous Subjects

Of course, you can come up with cards for just about any subject. Here are a just a few we haven’t mentioned yet:

Online Bingo For Classroom

  • Mendeleev Bingo: Put the symbols of the elements of the periodic table on the card, and read theelements out by name
  • Famous People Bingo: Put pictures or names of famous people (e.g. U.S. Presidents) on the card, and callthem out by name or by clues about their lives or achievements.
  • Capital Bingo: Put capitals of countries on the card, and call out the countries
  • Biology Bingo: Create cards with pictures of animals, plants, leaves, …
  • Seasonal Bingo: Create cards with pictures or words about the current period (Halloween, Christmas, Easter,Valentine), and call out the words or clues that lead to the words

Classroom Bingo Printable Free

<Insert Idea Here>

Online Bingo For Google Classroom

I’m sure you have your own great idea of a Bingo game you could play in your next class. Sohead on over to our downloads page, and get started creating yourown Bingo games for iPad with a free trial of BookWidgets.